Vagrant Local Environ Installing 10.2 Ent Stalling On Create Default Users

On a MacOS 11.0.1 Powerbook, installing 10.2 Ent on a local Vagrant/Virtualbox instance, per these instructions >

During Step 3. Installation & Sugar Time, the installer goes through initial screens no problem and begins the install, but stalls (stops spinning, no response) at the "Creating Default Users" step. I've attempted this several times (editing installer_locked to false) and it's stalling at this same spot. Not sure what to look at next or provide to help debug. Thanks for any help! VO

Also attaching install.log (can't attach config.php). install.log 

  • What do the logs say? Database, webserver logs?

  • Hi Vince,

    You can check for logs in sugarcrm.log or the php error logs. If still nothing, the file that runs this setup is install/performSetup.php, so you can add a try catch statement in line 362 or register a php shutdown handler to debug further, something like:

    try {
    } catch (Exception $e) {