How check log in sugar ondemand?

How check log in sugar ondemand?

I'm install two custom hooks in contacts e leads, but when try convert lead, receive this message.


My code hook contacts.

if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
 class logic_hooks_class {
  //Função chamada antes da ação salvar
  function before_save_method($bean, $event, $arguments) {

  global $db, $current_user;

  if($this->checkContaExistente($db, $bean) && !$this->checkExistente($db, $bean)){
  require_once 'include/api/SugarApiException.php';  
  throw new SugarApiExceptionInvalidParameter("Numero da conta corretora já existe gravado para outro cliente!");
  else if($this->checkEdition($db, $bean) && !$current_user->is_admin){
        require_once 'include/api/SugarApiException.php';  
  throw new SugarApiExceptionInvalidParameter("Apenas o administrador pode editar os campos nome, cpf, inst. financeira, conta corretora e dígito!"); 


  public function checkExistente($db, $obj){
  $query =  "SELECT c.id_c FROM contacts_cstm c "; 
  $query.= "WHERE c.id_c = '$obj->id' LIMIT 1";
  $results = $db->query($query, true);
  $row = $db->fetchByAssoc($results);
  $num_rows = $results->num_rows;

  if($num_rows > 0)
  return true;
  return false;


  public function checkContaExistente($db, $obj){
  $query =  "SELECT c.lftm_numero_conta_c FROM contacts_cstm c "; 
  $query.= "WHERE c.lftm_numero_conta_c = '$obj->lftm_numero_conta_c' LIMIT 1";
  $results = $db->query($query, true);
  $row = $db->fetchByAssoc($results);
  $num_rows = $results->num_rows;

  if($num_rows > 0)
  return true;
  return false;


  public function checkEdition($db, $obj){
  $query =  "SELECT c.last_name, c.first_name, cstm.lftm_numero_conta_c, cstm.lftm_conta_corretora_digito_c, cstm.lftm_cpf_c, cstm.lftm_instituicao_financeira_c FROM contacts c "; 
  $query.= "INNER JOIN contacts_cstm cstm ON cstm.id_c = ";
  $query.= "WHERE = '$obj->id' LIMIT 1";
  $results = $db->query($query, true);
  $row = $db->fetchByAssoc($results);
  $num_rows = $results->num_rows;
  $first_name = $row['first_name'];
  $last_name = $row['last_name'];
  $num_conta = $row['lftm_numero_conta_c'];
  $dig_conta = $row['lftm_conta_corretora_digito_c'];
  $db_cpf = $row['lftm_cpf_c'];
  $if = $row['lftm_instituicao_financeira_c']; 

  if(($obj->first_name != $first_name || $obj->last_name != $last_name || $obj->lftm_numero_conta_c != $num_conta || 
  $obj->lftm_conta_corretora_digito_c != $dig_conta || $db_cpf != $obj->lftm_cpf_c || $obj->lftm_instituicao_financeira_c != $if) && $num_rows != 0)
  return true;
  return false;


And my code hook lead.

<?php if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point');    class logic_hooks_class {       //Função chamada antes da ação salvar       function before_save_method($bean, $event, $arguments) {            global $db, $current_user;             $bean->lftm_cpf_c = preg_replace("/\D+/", "", $bean->lftm_cpf_c);            $phones = false;            $email = $this->checkEmail($db, $bean);            if(!empty($bean->phone_mobile) || !empty($bean->phone_work) || !empty($bean->phone_fax) ||                !empty($bean->phone_other) || !empty($bean->assistant_phone) || !empty($bean->phone_home)){                 $phones = $this->checkPhone($db, $bean);            }             if(!empty($email)){                 if(!$this->checkExistente($db, $bean)){                         $res = $db->query("UPDATE email_addr_bean_rel SET deleted = '1' WHERE bean_id = '$bean->id' AND bean_module = 'Leads'");                   }                else{                     $array_email = explode(",", $email['id']);                     foreach ($array_email as $key => $value) {                          if(!empty($value))                               $res = $db->query("UPDATE email_addr_bean_rel SET deleted = '1' WHERE email_address_id = '$value' AND bean_id = '$bean->id' AND bean_module = 'Leads'");                                                       }                }                 require_once 'include/api/SugarApiException.php';                  throw new SugarApiExceptionInvalidParameter("O email ".$email['mail']." já existe gravado para outro Lead!");                }           if($phones){                require_once 'include/api/SugarApiException.php';                  throw new SugarApiExceptionInvalidParameter($phones);                }           if(!empty($bean->lftm_cpf_c) && $this->checkCpf($db, $bean)){                require_once 'include/api/SugarApiException.php';                  throw new SugarApiExceptionInvalidParameter("CPF já existe gravado para outro Lead!");                }                 }        public function checkExistente($db, $obj){            $query =  "SELECT FROM leads c ";            $query.= "WHERE = '$obj->id' LIMIT 1";           $results = $db->query($query, true);           $row = $db->fetchByAssoc($results);           $num_rows = $results->num_rows;            if($num_rows > 0)                return true;           else                return false;        }        public function checkPhone($db, $obj){            //monta where            $where = "";            $where_old_record = "";            if(!empty($obj->phone_mobile))                 $where.= "c.phone_mobile = '$obj->phone_mobile' OR ";            if(!empty($obj->phone_work))                 $where.= "c.phone_work = '$obj->phone_work'  OR ";            if(!empty($obj->phone_fax))                 $where.= "c.phone_fax = '$obj->phone_fax'  OR ";            if(!empty($obj->phone_other))                 $where.= "c.phone_other = '$obj->phone_other'  OR ";            if(!empty($obj->assistant_phone))                 $where.= "c.assistant_phone = '$obj->assistant_phone'  OR ";            if(!empty($obj->phone_home))                 $where.= "c.phone_home = '$obj->phone_home'  OR ";             if (is_array($obj->fetched_row)) {              //adiciona condição para registro existente                 $where_old_record = ") AND ( <> '$obj->id' ";           }             $where = substr($where, 0, -3); //remove OR do final da expressão            $where.= $where_old_record."AND"; //inclui AND no final da expressão            //executa query            $query =  "SELECT, c.phone_mobile, c.phone_work, c.phone_fax, c.phone_other, c.assistant_phone, c.phone_home FROM leads c ";             $query.= "WHERE (".$where." deleted = '0') LIMIT 1";                     $results = $db->query($query, true);           $row = $db->fetchByAssoc($results);           $num_rows = $results->num_rows;            //trata retorno           if($num_rows > 0){                $phone_mobile = $row['phone_mobile'];                $phone_work = $row['phone_work'];                $phone_fax = $row['phone_fax'];                $phone_other = $row['phone_other'];                $assistant_phone = $row['assistant_phone'];                $phone_home = $row['phone_home'];                 $return_phones = "";                $cont = 0;                if(!empty($obj->phone_mobile) && $obj->phone_mobile == $phone_mobile){                     $cont++;                     $return_phones.= "celular, ";                }                if(!empty($obj->phone_work) && $obj->phone_work == $phone_work){                     $cont++;                     $return_phones.= "escritório, ";                }                if(!empty($obj->phone_fax) && $obj->phone_fax == $phone_fax){                     $cont++;                     $return_phones.= "fax, ";                }                if(!empty($obj->phone_other) && $obj->phone_other == $phone_other){                     $cont++;                     $return_phones.= "outro, ";                }                if(!empty($obj->assistant_phone) && $obj->assistant_phone == $assistant_phone){                     $cont++;                     $return_phones.= "assistente, ";                }                if(!empty($obj->phone_home) && $obj->phone_home == $phone_home){                     $cont++;                     $return_phones.= "residencial, ";                }                 $return_phones = substr($return_phones, 0, -2); //remove , do final da expressão                if($cont > 1)                     $return_phones = "Os numeros de telefones ".$return_phones." já existem gravado para outro Lead!";                else                     $return_phones = "O numero de telefone ".$return_phones.", já existe gravado para outro Lead!";                 return $return_phones;            }else{                return false;           }        }                public function checkCpf($db, $obj){            $cpf = preg_replace("/\D+/", "", $obj->lftm_cpf_c);            $where = "";            $where_old_record = "";            if(!empty($obj->lftm_cpf_c))                 $where.= "c.lftm_cpf_c = '$cpf'  ";             if (is_array($obj->fetched_row)) {              //adiciona condição para registro existente                 $where_old_record = " AND c.id_c <> '$obj->id' ";           }            $where.= $where_old_record;             $query =  "SELECT c.id_c FROM leads_cstm c ";             $query.= "WHERE ".$where." LIMIT 1";                //$query.= "WHERE c.lftm_cpf_c = '$cpf' AND deleted = '0' LIMIT 1";           $results = $db->query($query, true);           $row = $db->fetchByAssoc($results);           $num_rows = $results->num_rows;            if($num_rows > 0)                return true;           else                return false;        }        //calcula horas de acessorias em reuniões       public function checkEmail($db, $obj){                 $retorno = "";            $id_email = "";            $res = array();            //pega emails desse lead            $query = "SELECT, ea.email_address FROM email_addresses ea ";             $query.= "INNER JOIN email_addr_bean_rel eabr ON eabr.email_address_id = AND eabr.bean_module = 'Leads' AND eabr.deleted = 0 ";            $query.= "WHERE ea.deleted = 0 AND eabr.bean_id = '$obj->id' ";           $results = $db->query($query, true);           //$row = $db->fetchByAssoc($results);                          $array_mail = array();           do {               //$email.= $row['email_address']." - ";               $array_mail[$row['id']] = $row['email_address'];           }while($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($results));           //verifica se email existe para outro lead           foreach ($array_mail as $key => $email) {                $query = "SELECT, ea.email_address FROM email_addresses ea ";                  $query.= "INNER JOIN email_addr_bean_rel eabr ON eabr.email_address_id = AND eabr.bean_module = 'Leads' AND eabr.deleted = 0 ";                 $query.= "WHERE ea.deleted = 0 AND eabr.email_address_id = '$key' AND eabr.bean_id <> '$obj->id' AND eabr.deleted = 0 ";                $results = $db->query($query, true);                $row = $db->fetchByAssoc($results);                $num_rows = $results->num_rows;                if($num_rows > 0){                     $retorno.= $row['email_address'].", ";                     $id_email.= $row['id'].",";                     $num_rows = 0;                }           }            $res['id'] = $id_email;                $res['mail'] = $retorno;                 if(empty($retorno)){                return "";           }           else{                return $res;           }                  }      }   ?>   

<?phpif (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point');// THIS CONTENT IS CREATED BY* * Classe desenvolvimda para manipular os dados antes do salvamento * Informações: * * MÓDULO LEADS * - Não permitir gravar se já existir * - E-mail * - CPF * - Telefones ( todos ) */
class logic_hooks_class { //Função chamada antes da ação salvar function before_save_method($bean, $event, $arguments) { global $db, $current_user;
$bean->lftm_cpf_c = preg_replace("/\D+/", "", $bean->lftm_cpf_c); $phones = false; $email = $this->checkEmail($db, $bean); if(!empty($bean->phone_mobile) || !empty($bean->phone_work) || !empty($bean->phone_fax) ||     !empty($bean->phone_other) || !empty($bean->assistant_phone) || !empty($bean->phone_home)){ $phones = $this->checkPhone($db, $bean); }
if(!empty($email)){ if(!$this->checkExistente($db, $bean)){              $res = $db->query("UPDATE email_addr_bean_rel SET deleted = '1' WHERE bean_id = '$bean->id' AND bean_module = 'Leads'");             }          else{          $array_email = explode(",", $email['id']);          foreach ($array_email as $key => $value) {          if(!empty($value))          $res = $db->query("UPDATE email_addr_bean_rel SET deleted = '1' WHERE email_address_id = '$value' AND bean_id = '$bean->id' AND bean_module = 'Leads'");                       }          }
require_once 'include/api/SugarApiException.php';  throw new SugarApiExceptionInvalidParameter("O email ".$email['mail']." já existe gravado para outro Lead!"); } if($phones){ require_once 'include/api/SugarApiException.php';  throw new SugarApiExceptionInvalidParameter($phones); } if(!empty($bean->lftm_cpf_c) && $this->checkCpf($db, $bean)){ require_once 'include/api/SugarApiException.php';  throw new SugarApiExceptionInvalidParameter("CPF já existe gravado para outro Lead!"); }       
public function checkExistente($db, $obj){ $query =  "SELECT FROM leads c "; $query.= "WHERE = '$obj->id' LIMIT 1"; $results = $db->query($query, true); $row = $db->fetchByAssoc($results); $num_rows = $results->num_rows;
if($num_rows > 0) return true; else return false;
public function checkPhone($db, $obj){ //monta where $where = ""; $where_old_record = ""; if(!empty($obj->phone_mobile)) $where.= "c.phone_mobile = '$obj->phone_mobile' OR "; if(!empty($obj->phone_work)) $where.= "c.phone_work = '$obj->phone_work'  OR "; if(!empty($obj->phone_fax)) $where.= "c.phone_fax = '$obj->phone_fax'  OR "; if(!empty($obj->phone_other)) $where.= "c.phone_other = '$obj->phone_other'  OR "; if(!empty($obj->assistant_phone)) $where.= "c.assistant_phone = '$obj->assistant_phone'  OR "; if(!empty($obj->phone_home)) $where.= "c.phone_home = '$obj->phone_home'  OR ";
if (is_array($obj->fetched_row)) {    //adiciona condição para registro existente $where_old_record = ") AND ( <> '$obj->id' "; }
$where = substr($where, 0, -3); //remove OR do final da expressão $where.= $where_old_record."AND"; //inclui AND no final da expressão //executa query $query =  "SELECT, c.phone_mobile, c.phone_work, c.phone_fax, c.phone_other, c.assistant_phone, c.phone_home FROM leads c ";  $query.= "WHERE (".$where." deleted = '0') LIMIT 1"; $results = $db->query($query, true); $row = $db->fetchByAssoc($results); $num_rows = $results->num_rows;
//trata retorno if($num_rows > 0){ $phone_mobile = $row['phone_mobile']; $phone_work = $row['phone_work']; $phone_fax = $row['phone_fax']; $phone_other = $row['phone_other']; $assistant_phone = $row['assistant_phone']; $phone_home = $row['phone_home'];
$return_phones = ""; $cont = 0; if(!empty($obj->phone_mobile) && $obj->phone_mobile == $phone_mobile){ $cont++; $return_phones.= "celular, "; } if(!empty($obj->phone_work) && $obj->phone_work == $phone_work){ $cont++; $return_phones.= "escritório, "; } if(!empty($obj->phone_fax) && $obj->phone_fax == $phone_fax){ $cont++; $return_phones.= "fax, "; } if(!empty($obj->phone_other) && $obj->phone_other == $phone_other){ $cont++; $return_phones.= "outro, "; } if(!empty($obj->assistant_phone) && $obj->assistant_phone == $assistant_phone){ $cont++; $return_phones.= "assistente, "; } if(!empty($obj->phone_home) && $obj->phone_home == $phone_home){ $cont++; $return_phones.= "residencial, "; }
$return_phones = substr($return_phones, 0, -2); //remove , do final da expressão if($cont > 1) $return_phones = "Os numeros de telefones ".$return_phones." já existem gravado para outro Lead!"; else $return_phones = "O numero de telefone ".$return_phones.", já existe gravado para outro Lead!";
return $return_phones;
}else{ return false; }

public function checkCpf($db, $obj){ $cpf = preg_replace("/\D+/", "", $obj->lftm_cpf_c); $where = ""; $where_old_record = ""; if(!empty($obj->lftm_cpf_c)) $where.= "c.lftm_cpf_c = '$cpf'  ";
if (is_array($obj->fetched_row)) {    //adiciona condição para registro existente $where_old_record = " AND c.id_c <> '$obj->id' "; }
$where.= $where_old_record;
$query =  "SELECT c.id_c FROM leads_cstm c ";  $query.= "WHERE ".$where." LIMIT 1"; //$query.= "WHERE c.lftm_cpf_c = '$cpf' AND deleted = '0' LIMIT 1"; $results = $db->query($query, true); $row = $db->fetchByAssoc($results); $num_rows = $results->num_rows;
if($num_rows > 0) return true; else return false;
//calcula horas de acessorias em reuniões public function checkEmail($db, $obj){ $retorno = ""; $id_email = ""; $res = array(); //pega emails desse lead $query = "SELECT, ea.email_address FROM email_addresses ea ";  $query.= "INNER JOIN email_addr_bean_rel eabr ON eabr.email_address_id = AND eabr.bean_module = 'Leads' AND eabr.deleted = 0 "; $query.= "WHERE ea.deleted = 0 AND eabr.bean_id = '$obj->id' "; $results = $db->query($query, true); //$row = $db->fetchByAssoc($results); $array_mail = array(); do {     //$email.= $row['email_address']." - ";     $array_mail[$row['id']] = $row['email_address']; }while($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($results)); //verifica se email existe para outro lead foreach ($array_mail as $key => $email) { $query = "SELECT, ea.email_address FROM email_addresses ea ";  $query.= "INNER JOIN email_addr_bean_rel eabr ON eabr.email_address_id = AND eabr.bean_module = 'Leads' AND eabr.deleted = 0 "; $query.= "WHERE ea.deleted = 0 AND eabr.email_address_id = '$key' AND eabr.bean_id <> '$obj->id' AND eabr.deleted = 0 "; $results = $db->query($query, true); $row = $db->fetchByAssoc($results); $num_rows = $results->num_rows; if($num_rows > 0){ $retorno.= $row['email_address'].", "; $id_email.= $row['id'].","; $num_rows = 0; } }
$res['id'] = $id_email; $res['mail'] = $retorno;
if(empty($retorno)){ return ""; } else{ return $res; } }


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