Refreshing subpanel from record.js shows no data on collapsed subpanel as well

   I am working on customization, in which i have to refresh the subpanel on record view.

I am doing this to refresh the subpanel on record update.

initialize: function (options) {
this.model.on('data:sync:complete', this.refreshHistorySubpanel, this);
refreshHistorySubpanel: function (action, context) {
if (action === 'update') {
var subpanelCollection = this.model.getRelatedCollection('link');
relate: true, view: 'subpane-view',

It shows me subpanel like this if there comes no data in subpanel even it is collapsed.

And then when i open it it looks like this

How can i make it not show no data available when subpanel is collapsed.
