SSO Configuration with Sugar customer service support & Admin portal 10.1.0 with Okta

I've Managed to set up SSO to the sugarAdmin page using okta, although the what i would like to achieve is to also let users from the customer support portal  sign in using Okta's SSO.for this i notice that i can tweak the SAML settings.

some time i ago, when using sugar 9.X, i did change the URL (don't really remember what exactly), but it let me signed into de customer portal, (blocking request to the admin of course)....for now i would like to enable the SSO to the customer portal.Although it would be great to have SSO to the admin page and support portal. not really sure if this a functionality that can be done...anyway, what i've tried to enable SSO to the customer support portal is changing the Single sign on URL: http://{your-sugar-url}/index.php?module=Users&action=Authenticate [1] the following ways:

  • https://{your-sugar-url}/SugarCRM/portal/index.php?module=Users&action=Authenticate --> gives an not found error
  • https://{your-sugar-url}/SugarCRM/portal/?module=Users&action=Authenticate ---> It looks like its signing into the portal (it shows the loading page) but it ends up in the login page so i put the sugar credentials

I also tried changing the <module=Users> to <module=Contacts> but no either shows an error page or just redirects to the customer support portal login...the last time i just made some simple changes and it enable the SSO for the support portal...but now i'm really confused and i don't know under which detail the devil might be  mention in his SSO Post. Most of the Documentation i've read talks about the admin portal. But how can i enable it for the sugar portal and if possible to the admin portal??.

NOTE: /SugarCRM forms part of my https://{your-sugar-url} and to access the support portal i add /portal/ 


  • Hi

    We sucessfully enabled SAML authentication to both Sugar base and Customer Self Service Portal, exactly the way you want to get it working.

    Indeed we have a working installer for 10.0.1 which should work on 10.1.0 as well.

    For Okta it certainly will require configuring a custom SSO URL for Customer Portal. For that purpose you will need to configure Okta to evaluate the source URL ({site_url}/ or {site_url/portal}) in order to send back and additional param ('platform' = 'portal').

    This way the CustomUsersAuthenticateView will understand which URL triggered the SSO and then it will invoke the appropriate layer at Sugar side.

    Let me know if you would like to acquire such installer.

    Kind regards

    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada
  • Hey André lopez,

    thanks for the response, i'll give it a try. 

    do you know if I'll be able to provision users (contacts in SugarCRM contacts Module) from Okta's platform ?or will i still need to managed them from sugarCRM??

  • Hi

    Our current implementation doesn't accomplish that once customer didn't request such a feature, but it is pretty easy to do so.

    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada