Posting Duplicates records using webhook


Generating 2 identical POST request records with one web hook ( method:POST. Module:case, trigger: after save).

Expected Output:

Generate only one record (POST request) of the case being saved.


I've set up a web hook that sends a POST request to an external endpoint, (Admin->Web Logic Hooks) and it does work, but every time i save a record i keep receiving to identical records of the same case.sometimes it sends two different records of the same case ( i believe this is when i update a record) but now (after upgrading to version 10.1.0), it sends two identical records every time someone creates a record in the cases module, i know i could find a way around this from the endpoint receiving the request but i already increased the 'max_allowed_packetsee link and i don't want to use the table queue any more than it has to. 

besides setting up the web hook from the admin panel, is there something else i should configure? is this a version error and should i upgrade to 10.0.1? 

Note: when i check for duplicate records in the webhook, the list shows up empty.see Docco

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