Process Definition triggering too much

I have created one process definition and activated. In PD it check for the Module's related module. If related module has some specific values then process trigger mail to user.

I am creating records in Target module through API. I have set it for First Update only but  it is triggering  multiple times.

Parents Reply
  • That is the reason. PD is not enough mature that it can deal with its logic and Logic Hook logic separately. They normally work in a parallel fashion that is why Logic Hook often triggers many times when we used PD.

    I will suggest that minimize the use of PD and in your case, if it is truly necessary then in Logic Hook there is normally 3rd parameter which is "$argument" if you will print this you can get the information of related module or parent module to know actually which module triggers the Logic Hook. 

    If it is PD then you can isolate your logic with the current logic implementation in your logic hook. 

    Hope it will help.
