Print files from list view of Module and Subpanel

How to add print file button in Action menu of  record.?

When the user selects records in the list view (module) or is viewing the records in the subpanel, clicking on the Print Files button will cause the files in those records to mass print.  (Makes it more of a one step process to print instead of having to open each file, open the download, print the download one at a time.)

Parents Reply
  • Just repeating what I explained earlier - also I can only provide hints, the implementation is on you :) 

    Don't download the zip. Just download the javascript file and css file from:

    Download the javascript file - print.js from and include it in your jsGroupings.

    Download the CSS file and add it in your custom.less with 

    @import (inline) 'print.min.css';

    Then - in your record.js code, when you click in the print button, in the event handler, all you have to do is to call the printJS code, something like:

    generateAndPrint: function () {

    I am just using download entrypoint for example - since it's easy and you don't have to pass authToken. But you can also call your own entryPoint - don't use Rest API since printJS cannot pass OAuth-Token. 

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