how to override create cases button from leads subpanel

If the Leads is in particular status the users are not allow to create Cases from Leads subpanel ( the button '+' in subpanel)

I can't hide the button but i have to show an alert.

I am using SugarCRM pro 7.2

Thank you

  • I am unclear if your comment about not being able to hide the button means you are not familiar with the process or that you have to keep it on the screen. If the former, it definitely can be done, although from a cosmetic standpoint, it is probably best if you instead leave the button on the screen and disable its functionality via the "disabled" CSS class.

    You can manipulate the behavior of the button by extending the panel-top view's controller (panel-top.js) to check the data of the parent record and manipulate the css class on the button and show the alert. Some of the concepts for checking the parent record are in this snippet, although, in the example they are implemented in a different component of the subpanels:

    Custom controller for subpanels layout, hides specific subpanels based on parent record data · GitHub

  • Hi Angel, i was looking for a solution on your blog .... but i didn't find it...

    I would like to show an alert instead to hide the button.

    If the Lead has a specific value the users cannot create Cases from the Leads subpanel.

    I have to show an alert

    That's it.

    But i am not able to change the behavior of the button ("+") in Leads subpanel.

    Can you help me.

    Thank you.

  • i want to show an alert based on a Lead record value but only when the user clicks on create cases from leads subpanel ("+").

    I want to prevent the creation cases and show an alert.

    I tryed to extend SubpanelListView and SubpanelsLayout but i am not able to change the button behavior.

    i wrote this ...


      /* File: ./custom/modules/Leads/clients/base/views/record/record.js */

        extendsFrom: 'RecordView',

        initialize: function(options) {

            this._super('initialize', [options]);

            this.model.on('data:sync:complete', this.showAlert, this);


        showAlert: function(){

        var currentStatus = this.model.get('caratterizzazione_c');


        if (currentStatus === '2')

        {"ConvertedLead", {

                    level: 'warning',

                            messages: app.lang.get('EXCEPTION_LEADS_CARATTERIZZAZIONE' , 'Leads'),

                            autoClose: false





  • Ciao Luca,

    You are approaching this from the wrong end, you are trying to work in the Leads record view when you should be working from the Cases perspective on the subpanel's panel-top view.

    As Angel said : "You can manipulate the behavior of the button by extending the panel-top view's controller (panel-top.js) to check the data of the parent record and manipulate the css class on the button and show the alert."

    Panel Top lives here: <your sugarcrm>/jssource/src_files/clients/base/views/panel-top/panel-top.js

    Some modules also have specific ones in modules/<module>/clients/base/views/. but, at least in 7.6, Cases does not have one.

    What you want to do is extend the panel-top controller for Cases by creating:


    There you can extend the createRelatedClicked method to check for caratterizzazione_c, alert if your criteria holds, proceed to creating the record if it doesn't.

    Within the createRelatedClicked you should be able to use

    this.context.parent.get('module') to make sure you're in a subpanel on Leads

    and then

    this.context.parent.get('caratterizzazione_c') to get the value you need.

    In bocca al lupo,



  • Ciao Luca,

    You are approaching this from the wrong end, you are trying to work in the Leads record view when you should be working from the Cases perspective on the subpanel's panel-top view.

    As Angel said : "You can manipulate the behavior of the button by extending the panel-top view's controller (panel-top.js) to check the data of the parent record and manipulate the css class on the button and show the alert."

    Panel Top lives here: <your sugarcrm>/jssource/src_files/clients/base/views/panel-top/panel-top.js

    Some modules also have specific ones in modules/<module>/clients/base/views/. but, at least in 7.6, Cases does not have one.

    What you want to do is extend the panel-top controller for Cases by creating:


    There you can extend the createRelatedClicked method to check for caratterizzazione_c, alert if your criteria holds, proceed to creating the record if it doesn't.

    Within the createRelatedClicked you should be able to use

    this.context.parent.get('module') to make sure you're in a subpanel on Leads

    and then

    this.context.parent.get('caratterizzazione_c') to get the value you need.

    In bocca al lupo,



  • Thank you so much,

    FrancescaS and Angel

    I solved my problem. It works.

    I created the file below



    * Header section for Subpanel layouts.


    * @class View.Views.Base.PanelTopView

    * @alias SUGAR.App.view.views.BasePanelTopView

    * @extends View.View




         * @inheritDoc


        className: 'subpanel-header',


         * @inheritDoc


        attributes: {

            'data-sortable-subpanel': 'true'



         * @inheritDoc


        events: {

            'click': 'togglePanel',

            'click a[name=create_button]:not(".disabled")': 'createRelatedClicked',


        plugins: ['LinkedModel'],


         * @override

         * @param opts


        initialize: function(opts) {

  , opts);

            var context = this.context;


            this.parentModule = context.parent.get('module');

            context.parent.on('panel-top:refresh', function(link) {

                if (context.get('link') === link) {






         * Event handler for the create button.


         * @param {Event} event The click event.


        createRelatedClicked: function(event) {

           var fieldCaratt =;

           if (this.parentModule=='Leads'){

                if (fieldCaratt =='2'){

           "workflow-status-message", {

                                level: 'warning',

                                messages: app.lang.get('EXCEPTION_CREATE_CASE_FROM_LEAD' , 'Cases'),

                                autoClose: false











        * Event handler that closes the subpanel layout when the SubpanelHeader is clicked

        * @param e DOM event


        togglePanel: function(e) {

            // Make sure we aren't toggling the panel when the user clicks on a dropdown action.

            var toggleSubpanel = !$("span.actions").length;

            if (toggleSubpanel) {




        _toggleSubpanel: function() {

            if(!this.layout.disposed) {

                var isHidden = this.layout.$(".subpanel").hasClass('closed');

                this.layout.trigger('panel:toggle', isHidden);




         * @override


        bindDataChange: function() {

            if (this.collection) {

                this.listenTo(this.collection, 'reset', this.render);




  • I'm not sure why you are replacing the view instead of extending it but glad you got it working.
