How should I encrypt data at rest with Sugarcrm?

Hi All,

Related to data security I need to encrypt data  while at rest,How can I apply this  ?

  • If you are using Sugar Cloud, SugarCRM handles this for you.

    If you are hosted on-premise.

    • Using AWS
      • When you set up your EBS volume, check the encrypted option
      • When you set up your RDS, check the encrypted option
        • You can also utilize SSL connection to the RDS database so that your communication to the DB is encrypted
      • When you set up ElasticSearch Service, check the encrypted option
      • For your web-server add an SSL Certificate
  • Hi Jeff,


    So in this case either we can deploy a SSL certificate or implement an OS level disk encryption on the elastic search, database and NFS server .

    Which one is more acceptable ?

  • You have indicated that you want your data encrypted at rest. You need to use OS-level encryption. 

  • Hi Jeff,

    Thanks,I will proceed the OS-Level encryption method.