Can I alter the Edit Menu at runtime?

I have an item on my Edit Menu and I would like to hide it depending on the value of a field in that module.

Edit Menu

I have tried using JQuery to hide() the DIV like this

if(self.isEmpty(gp_doc_nbr_equipment_c)) {
  console.log('HIDE IT');

But while it works perfectly from the console it never hides it from record.js (and it seems to be running as I get the 'HIDE IT' message.  I have tried delaying it for a second or three, no luck. 

I also tried adding code to the metadata that I use to add the menu item and I guess it only updates that once as it sticks at whatever it first renders.

  • Hi Kenneth Brill

    Those types of situations in which console displays the correct value but record.js not showing appropriate result normally happens when we calling the parent function first and then add our customizations.

    Make sure you must call this._super('function_name'); at the last.

    Also, add the self with your selector as you added in the condition like "



  • Hi Kenneth Brill

    Those types of situations in which console displays the correct value but record.js not showing appropriate result normally happens when we calling the parent function first and then add our customizations.

    Make sure you must call this._super('function_name'); at the last.

    Also, add the self with your selector as you added in the condition like "


