how can i get the dropdown list with API

Hi, everyone 

   I'm trying to find the way to get the dropdown list.

Is it possible to get the original dropdown list "account_type_dom" whit API?

Thanks for watching.

Parents Reply
  • Andre, you helped me out with this answer. Slight smile

    It is worth noting that this also works for relationship fields like contact_role on Opportunity Contacts.


    GET rest/v11_12/Opportunities/enum/contact_role

      "": "",
      "Primary Decision Maker": "Primary Decision Maker",
      "Business Decision Maker": "Business Decision Maker",
      "Business Evaluator": "Business Evaluator",
      "Technical Decision Maker": "Technical Decision Maker",
      "Technical Evaluator": "Technical Evaluator",
      "Executive Sponsor": "Executive Sponsor",
      "Influencer": "Influencer",
      "Other": "Other"

    App Ecosystem @ SugarCRM
