Opportunity RLI required based on Opp Field Issue

Possible Sugar Bug:

Hi All,

I'm trying to make a custom field "total_number_c" required in Create view of Opportunity Revenue Line Item based on a field in Opportunity.

In the above image, you can see the "Total Number" is not a required field.

Following is what I have tried.

File Path:


* Total Number - custom db field
$dictionary['RevenueLineItem']['fields']['total_number_c'] = array(
      'audited' => true,
      'calculated' => false,
      'cols' => '',
      'default' => '',
      'dependency' => '',
      'duplicate_merge_dom_value' => '0',
      'duplicate_merge' => 'disabled',
      'help' => '',
      'len' => '255',
      'massupdate' => false,
      'merge_filter' => 'disabled',
      'name' => 'total_number_c',
      'no_default' => false,
      'reportable' => true,
      'required' => false,
      'rows' => '',
      'size' => '255',
      'source' => 'custom_fields',
      'studio' => 'visible',
      'type' => 'varchar',
      'unified_search' => false,
      'vname' => 'LBL_TOTAL_NUMBER',

Note: The field is not REQUIRED for all the scenarios, So the dependency is achieved using "dependencies".

Create view Subpanel for Opportunity Revenue Line Item:


$viewdefs['RevenueLineItems']['base']['view']['subpanel-for-opportunities-create'] = array(
      'rowactions' => array(
         'actions' => array(
                     'type' => 'rowaction',
                     'css_class' => 'btn deleteBtn',
                      'icon' => 'fa-minus',
                      'event' => 'list:deleterow:fire',
                     'type' => 'rowaction',
                     'css_class' => 'btn addBtn',
                     'icon' => 'fa-plus',
                     'event' => 'list:addrow:fire',
      'panels' => array(
                     'name' => 'panel_header',
                     'label' => 'LBL_PANEL_1',
                     'fields' => array(
                                 'name' => 'assigned_user_name',
                                 'enabled' => true,
                                 'default' => true



$dependencies['RevenueLineItems']['managing_rules'] = array(
         'hooks' => array("edit", "view"),
         'trigger' => 'true',
         'onload' => true,
         'actions' => array(
               'name' => 'SetRequired',
               'params' => array(
                        'target' => 'total_number_c',
                        'label' => 'LBL_TOTAL_NUMBER',
                        'value' => 'isInList(related($opportunities,"managing_c"),createList("one","two"))',

Scenario / Issue:

- Create an Opportunity and Fill the field "managing_c" with "one".

- The Total Number in Opportunity RLI should be required as per the Code,  but this is not working in the Create view of the opportunity.


I have come up with a workaround for this issue. But I'm not satisfied with the approach. Is there any other way of doing it.


extendsFrom: 'OpportunitiesCreateView',

* Override initialize
* @param options
initialize: function (options) {
      this._super('initialize', [options]);
      this.model.addValidationTask('validateManagingDependencies', _.bind(this.doValidateManagingDependencies, this));

* Get the Line items model
getRliModel: function() {
      var rliContext = this.context.getChildContext({link: 'revenuelineitems'});
      return rliContext.get('collection').at(0);

doValidateManagingDependencies: function (fields, errors, callback) {
      var rliModel = this.getRliModel();
      var managingBusiness = this.model.get('managing_c');

      if (managingBusiness == "one") {
            if (_.isEmpty(rliModel.get('total_number_c'))) {
                  var errorMessage = app.lang.get('LBL_TOTAL_NUMBER_REQUIRED', 'Opportunities');
                  // This below code is need to prevent the user from saving again
                   errors['total_number_c'] = {};
                   errors['total_number_c'].required = true;

                  app.alert.show("opportunity_rli_errors", {
                        level: "error",
                        messages: errorMessage,
                        autoClose: false
                  callback(null, fields, errors);

NOTE:  A case was created for the Bug as well: SugarCRM 

  • Hi Aravind Kumar

    I was looking into this and what you are describing does seem to work but there are somethings that you have to be aware of to get the desired result.

    So, applying your scenario to an out-of-the-box Sugar version 8.0.1 instance I get the following when I add a RLI via the Product Catalog...

    The one thing you have make sure of is that you need to hit "enter" when entering the value on the Opportunities field (in this case managing_c) so that it gets placed on the Model or changing the focus via click. Of course, it won't automatically mark your RLI field as required but will do so if you choose an item from the Product Catalog as I've done in this example.

    In addition, it will also mark it required if you add another RLI (does it on the original as well) afterwards before saving...

    The key is making sure that the value on the Opportunities field gets registered on the model.

    Hope it helps

  • Hi Aravind Kumar

    I was looking into this and what you are describing does seem to work but there are somethings that you have to be aware of to get the desired result.

    So, applying your scenario to an out-of-the-box Sugar version 8.0.1 instance I get the following when I add a RLI via the Product Catalog...

    The one thing you have make sure of is that you need to hit "enter" when entering the value on the Opportunities field (in this case managing_c) so that it gets placed on the Model or changing the focus via click. Of course, it won't automatically mark your RLI field as required but will do so if you choose an item from the Product Catalog as I've done in this example.

    In addition, it will also mark it required if you add another RLI (does it on the original as well) afterwards before saving...

    The key is making sure that the value on the Opportunities field gets registered on the model.

    Hope it helps

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