How can I put currency symbol behind the amount ?

Hello everyone !

I want to put the currency symbol behind the amount.

How can I do this ?

Thank you in advance !


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  • edit.hbs

    {{#if hideCurrencyDropdown}}
       <input type="text" name="{{name}}" value="{{value}}" class="inherit-width"{{#if def.tabindex}} tabindex="{{def.tabindex}}"{{/if}}>
       <div class="select2-addon">
          <span sfuuid="{{currencySfId}}" class="currency edit"></span>
          <input type="text" name="{{name}}" value="{{value}}"{{#if def.tabindex}} tabindex="{{def.tabindex}}"{{/if}}>
    {{#unless hideHelp}}{{#if}}<p class="help-block">{{str module}}</p>{{/if}}{{/unless}}


    <div class="currency-field"{{#if dir}} dir="{{dir}}"{{/if}}>
    {{#if transactionValue}}
       <div class="converted">{{value}}</div><label class="original">{{transactionValue}}</label>


    <div class="currency-field ellipsis_inline" data-placement="bottom" data-original-title="{{value}}"{{#if dir}} dir="{{dir}}"{{/if}} rel="tooltip" title="{{#if transactionValue}}{{transactionValue}} | {{value}}{{else}}{{value}}{{/if}}">
    {{#if transactionValue}}
       <div class="converted">{{value}}</div><label class="original">{{transactionValue}}</label>
  • I think you are mis interpreting the hbs. The transactionValue and value are both amounts.

    the {{value}} is the amount converted to your base currency, the {{transactionValue}} is the amount in the original currency.

    If if you work in just one currency you will not see the "converted" amount and you won't see any difference.

    The currency dropdown must be rendered elsewhere.

    I will take a look when I get a moment to try things out.