'update' event for a particular module to fire custom php code.

Is there an 'update' event logic hook for a module that I could use to fire custom php code whenever a module gets updated with new data?


  • Francesca is right on using the before_save logic hook $bean->id to determine if it is a new record or an update to an existing record.

    Just to elaborate a bit, you can cache data from the before_save hook and compare it to the after_save hook to determine what fields were actually updated. In this way, you can run specific php code whenever certain fields were updated on the bean. 

    Hope that helps. 


  • Francesca is right on using the before_save logic hook $bean->id to determine if it is a new record or an update to an existing record.

    Just to elaborate a bit, you can cache data from the before_save hook and compare it to the after_save hook to determine what fields were actually updated. In this way, you can run specific php code whenever certain fields were updated on the bean. 

    Hope that helps. 


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