SugarQuery Joinraw alternative for email related tables

For a customer we are in the process of upgrading from 7.6.x to 7.9.3. Many things have changed over the time and therefore we face lots of issues. One of these issues that we are facing is the depcrecation of the joinRaw() function on SugarQuery. 

In the original code we are adding two joinraw strings to the sugarquery object to :

$SugarQuery->joinRaw ( "LEFT JOIN email_addr_bean_rel ON email_addr_bean_rel.bean_id = " . strtolower ( $module ) . ".id" );
$SugarQuery->joinRaw ( "LEFT JOIN email_addresses ON = email_addr_bean_rel.email_address_id" );

I already found out that I should use joinTable() as the alternative but I can't seem to get it working. 

When adding the following snippets I do get an SQL query error that is related to the joinTable calls:

    ->equalsField($module . '.bean_id', '');


How can I solve this by using the joinTable method?

  • Hi Jeroen Somhorst 

    Which sql error are you facing?

    I don't believe the variable $module as a table should work if your database is case sensitive.

    Take a look at the file "include/SugarEmailAddress/SugarEmailAddress.php" it implements exactly the same joinTable definition you want to do.


    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada
  • Hi andré,

    thanks for pointing me to the right direction. It seems indeed that the sugaremail class uses a similar approach. The strange thing here is that the code worked before on 7.6 but now on a upgraded version (7.9.3) it fails. I will take a look at it