How to add custom access (ACL) to custom layout

Hello all,

I have a custom layout accessible by URL and i like to restrict the access to this layout for custom role or only for admin users.

How can i do that?


  • Hi Diego Celdrán,

    You can always check app.user object to get the current user ACL or type.

    For eg: to check if current user is admin: isSysAdmin = (app.user.get('type') == 'admin');

    to get current user ACLs: console.log(app.user.getAcls());

    You can use either of these methods in your layout controller initialize function and load no-access view or desired view based on user's access level.

    Let us know if this helps.



  • Hi Diego Celdrán,

    You can always check app.user object to get the current user ACL or type.

    For eg: to check if current user is admin: isSysAdmin = (app.user.get('type') == 'admin');

    to get current user ACLs: console.log(app.user.getAcls());

    You can use either of these methods in your layout controller initialize function and load no-access view or desired view based on user's access level.

    Let us know if this helps.


