Mail addresses not filled in

I'm sending email using the POST /Mail  (createMail) endpoint.

I'm only filling out mail addresses

     "attachments": [{
               "name": "Quote.pdf",
               "id": "73e90730-cdcd-11e7-bfae-02e359029409",
               "type": "upload"
     "related": {
          "id": "bea98ad2-c2cf-11e7-a51c-02e359029409",
          "type": "Quotes"
     "subject": "Test voor klant",
     "html_body": "<p>Hier is de body<\/p>",
     "cc_addresses": [],
     "to_addresses": [{
               "email": ""
     "bcc_addresses": [],
     "email_config": "167ce952-b8b2-11e7-a85f-063b661e1dc5",
     "status": "ready"

The email in Sugar does not display these address, even if I do receive the email

I think this behavior only started showing since 7.10.

I have tried filling out the names of the email address objects, but to no avail.

How do I get Sugar to display the email addresses?

  • We are in the process of investigating the issue but we are not able to reproduce the scenario as mentioned.  Is this currently happening for new POSTs to the /Mail endpoint?  Or are these existing records that you are trying to open in record and preview and seeing this issue?  We are not able to re-create this issue on a POST request to the /Mail endpoint.  Can you send an email through your application and provide a complete request and response that you are sending through the api along with a screenshot of the email in the list view? It would be beneficial to also get the output in the sugarcrm.log file for the POST.

  • Hi Steven,

    I do not have access to the server logs.

    The key seems to be the attachment.

    I did three requests:

    - POST /Mail/attachment

    With a MIME-multipart body with the filename and content of the attachment

    - POST/Mail

    With a reference to the attachment

    - POST/Mail

    Without a reference to the recently created attachment

    The result is that for the first mail there is no From or To filled in.

    I will try to attach a Postman collection

  • Hi Steven,

    I do not have access to the server logs.

    The key seems to be the attachment.

    I did three requests:

    - POST /Mail/attachment

    With a MIME-multipart body with the filename and content of the attachment

    - POST/Mail

    With a reference to the attachment

    - POST/Mail

    Without a reference to the recently created attachment

    The result is that for the first mail there is no From or To filled in.

    I will try to attach a Postman collection
