Article SugarClub Guidelines

This is a community of real users who collaborate on answers, solutions, and ideas about SugarCRM and the Sugar® products. What they love about it – and what they wish was better. We invite you to make your mark here, but here are the rules we expect all SugarClub members to follow.

We are committed to enforcing these guidelines, as well as our Site Terms of Use. We reserve the right to delete any posts that do not adhere to these guidelines or to ban anyone who repeatedly violates these guidelines or our Site Terms of Use. Any posts not covered by these guidelines but that otherwise create a negative experience for other members may also be removed or otherwise moderated. These guidelines may be modified in the future at SugarCRM’s sole discretion. 

Be Open and Honest

SugarClub is based on the contributions of real people representing themselves honestly. We encourage all users to use their actual identities in The Club. Do not misrepresent yourself or your affiliations or use multiple accounts to violate these guidelines or harass or deceive others.

Add Value

SugarClub is designed for discovery, direct involvement, and personal recognition. Make it a richer place by sharing your experience and insight. Ask well-reasoned questions, give valuable answers, and reward and acknowledge those who do the same.

Be Constructive

Healthy conversation and debate can make a difference, so long as it’s not a personal attack on someone else.  Be constructive with your criticism and make sure what you say is something you’d be willing to say to that person if you were talking to them face to face.

Be Respectful

Be sensitive to other users around you. Don’t post content that violates the Content Standards contained in our Site Terms of Use (e.g., defamatory, obscene, indecent, abusive, offensive, harassing, violent, hateful, inflammatory, or otherwise objectionable), or that otherwise promotes unlawful activity, or is off-topic, self-promoting, posted repetitively, or deliberately disruptive).

Be Relevant

It is okay to talk up the products or services you love (or sell), but only if it is relevant to the conversation. Posts that appear to be solicitations or advertisements, especially when they are not requested by others, are likely to be removed. 

Have Integrity

Make sure you have the right to publish the content you post to SugarClub and don’t violate the privacy of others.

Be Yourself

Regulation of Content Created and Submitted to the Site using LLM tools and ChatGPT

SugarClub aims to highlight the knowledge and intelligence of our members. The sharing of firsthand experiences and best practices is the cornerstone of the community’s value. The introduction of AI tools like ChatGPT and other LLMs has provided a variety of methods to enhance knowledge distribution, but it also raises the risk of contributions that lack the depth of personal experience, leading to potential confusion or misinformation for our members.

To maintain the community's integrity, the SugarClub administrative team is committed to ensuring all content is genuinely crafted by members. Any content not created directly by the individual or not properly attributed to an AI tool or third party will be moderated and potentially removed. SugarClub is a trusted environment where members can confidently rely on the information and insights shared. Transparency about the use of AI-generated responses is not just encouraged but expected from all members.

Use of business-appropriate user account data 

SugarClub’s primary intended audience includes SugarCRM customers, employees, partners, and anyone else who otherwise uses SugarCRM products and services in their business operations. However, SugarClub is also not restricted to these audiences and, therefore, does not require verification to join our community. Given that, we employ a variety of processes, both human/manual and automated, to protect our members. We encourage all members to use a “business email address,” but recognize this may not be possible in all situations. To protect our community, members using certain “free” email domains (,, etc.), will have all contributions automatically moderated. If you would like to ensure your account is removed from our moderated users list, please email for assistance.

(Updated April 24, 2024)