Is your organization using a Digital Adoption tool?

Lately we’ve seen a trend in more customers interested in Digital Adoption tools, such as Walk Me, Pendo, and others. These tools allow you to guide users through another tool, such as your website or an internal application, to assist them in learning to use the tool or complete a process.

Has your company invested in using a Digital Adoption Tool? If so, what interests you about it? How are you using it? Has it been beneficial?

  • No, we are just about to go live and have not used a DA tool. I'd be very interested to hear what you recommend and what the process is, expected outcomes, efforts, costs etc.

  • Hi Alex,

    I'm happy to offer a few insights from what I have seen before. These types of tools can be very useful and powerful in helping your users learn new systems and processes. However, like most communication tools, you have to be careful to use but not abuse it. Too many guides or notifications can be annoying to users and cause them to ignore future messages. 

    Using a tool such as this requires significant planning and coordination, as well as ongoing support and updates to the guides or announcements you present to users to ensure they stay up to date and relevant. Companies who use these tools well typically have cross-functional teams that work together to ensure a good user experience and effective results. 

    I can't speak to costs, as this would depend on the individual vendor and their pricing model. In addition to the whatever the cost of the actual platform would be, you do want to keep in mind the cost of internal resources to coordinate and maintain the program long-term. As with all adoption efforts, go-live is just the beginning, so you want to keep future, ongoing support and training in mind when creating your plan. 



    Director, Customer Enablement | SugarCRM