Who are the key players in your organization when it comes to Adoption?

Hi everyone,

We recently posted our guide to help you select the members of your adoption team. This team might support a new roll out/change management program or giving new life to your existing system. As we worked to build the guide, it got me thinking - who are/were the critical members of your team that helped foster great adoption within your organization? What part of your organization are they in and what role did they play in your overall plan? 

Here at Sugar, we find that team/department managers are a truly critical component of our adoption team. While some of them may be on our official change management committee, many of them play more of a supporting role by reinforcing important messages and processes with their individual teams. You can read more about the role of managers in our eBook, Managing through Change: The Key Role Managers Play in User Adoption

I'd love to hear your thoughts, so leave a note in the comments below & share who on your team was a key player in adoption. 

