This is your new hub, where you’ll find everything you need to know about your conversion to Sugar Enterprise so you can shine your brightest and click less and sell more!

If you have any questions that you can’t find answers to on this page, feel free to reach out to

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A Video Message from Craig Charlton, CEO

Take a few moments to watch this video from SugarCRM CEO, Craig Charlton. Uncover more insight on the why behind this conversion, how you can prepare, and the capabilities you'll unlock.

My New Features

Your CRM experience will be almost identical to what you are familiar with today, with one exception: you will have access to new capabilities you didn’t have before. You will not lose any features, only gain new ones that will increase your understanding of your customers’ needs and help you win more business. Take a look at the resources below to better understand Sugar Enterprise!

How Will This Make Your Life Easier?

•   Get Timely Insights

•   Accelerate Sales and Improve

•   Pipeline Management

•   Automate Critical Business Processes

•   Find and Respond to Trends

•   Integrate with Everything

•   Take Your CRM With You

Are You Loving Sugar Enterprise? Share Your Experience!

Is your team loving the new features available to you in Sugar Enterprise, and letting the platform do the work? We want to hear your testimonial! Email your quote, name, title, and company to