Mobile App Version 76.0 is Live

Version 76.0 of SugarCRM's mobile app is now available on iTunes & Google Play:

What's new in version 76.0:

This release of the SugarCRM mobile app includes the following updates:

  • Modern UI redesign: Some of the core elements of the SugarCRM mobile app's design have been modernized to make your mobile experience feel bright and fresh and reflect the new user experience in Sugar 14.2.
    • Color-coded navigation: The main menu uses the same striking color palette as the desktop app to help you easily identify your frequently accessed modules.
    • Detail view refresh: The modern blue background applied in the desktop app in Sugar versions 14.2 and higher is also present in the mobile app's detail view to focus the user experience.
    • Enhanced dark mode: The elegant new color palette used for dark mode in the desktop app now applies to the mobile app too, softening the experience with muted tones.
  • Collapse smart guide sub-activities: You can now expand and collapse sub-activities of a smart guide activity, and the most recent state will be preserved the next time you open the smart guide.
  • Advanced logging: The app now has a more robust logging mode that you can use to help Sugar's Support team when troubleshooting issues.

Review the SugarCRM Mobile App Release Notes for more information about this release.

Additional Information:

To ensure you are up-to-date on the latest information about the mobile app, please Subscribe to New Blog Posts in Mobile App Updates in SugarClub or visit Product Updates for additional product updates.