Mobile App Version 74.0 is Live

Version 74.0 of SugarCRM's mobile app is now available on iTunes & Google Play:

What's new in version 74.0:

This release of the SugarCRM mobile app addresses the following issues:

  • 95267: Sugar Actions that are configured to trigger a smart guide may not successfully be triggered if the action takes place in the mobile application.
  • 94735: Users may lose in-progress edits to a record if an admin makes certain configuration changes via the desktop app while the user has the edit view open.

Review the SugarCRM Mobile App Release Notes for more information about this release.

Additional Information:

To ensure you are up-to-date on the latest information about the mobile app, please Subscribe to New Blog Posts in Mobile App Updates in SugarClub or visit Product Updates for additional product updates.