Mobile App Version 71.0 is Live

Version 71.0 of SugarCRM's mobile app is now available on iTunes & Google Play:

What's new in version 71.0:

The following feature enhancements are available in this release:

  • Timeline on mobile: Record timelines, equivalent to the Timeline dashlet in the desktop app, are now available in mobile detail view so you can see a chronological view of events and activities related to the record.
    • Search and filter: Refine the contents of the timeline using the search and filter options to quickly find what you need.
    • Interact with activities: From within the timeline, you can interact with various activity cards, including by downloading attachments, unlinking records, or replying directly to emails.

The following issues have been addressed in this release:

  • 94732: Doc Merge is not available in the More Actions menu of a record's detail view if connected to a Sugar instance with a Sugar Enterprise license.
  • 94458: An internal error may occur when drilling into a Report dashlet's chart for a group based on a datetime field with value "Undefined".
  • 92995: The complete list of values in a multiselect field may be cut off if the field contains more than a few values.
  • 92458: If a dropdown field is required, the text "Required" is displayed over top of its actual field value when editing the record.

Review the SugarCRM Mobile App Release Notes for more information about this release.

Additional Information:

To ensure you are up-to-date on the latest information about the mobile app, please Subscribe to New Blog Posts in Mobile App Updates in SugarClub or visit Product Updates for additional product updates.