SugarCRM has released version 2.4.0 of the Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook.
This latest release includes the following new features and enhancements:
- The side panel has received a variety of updates, including:
- Key information for synced records is now displayed in Contacts, Calendar, and Tasks views
- Lead records can now be created via the Mail view side panel
- Users can now relate new records to the current record for specific subpanels using the "+" (plus) icon
- The Emails subpanel is now available to display related emails
- Users can now load additional related records or close the subpanel back to the default view using the Up and Down arrows in the subpanel
- Users can now relate Outlook contacts, calls, meetings, and tasks to Sugar records via the "Mark to Sync and Relate" and "Save, Mark to Sync and Relate" options
- Duplicate checking is performed across all modules where new Sugar records can be created via Outlook
- Users now have the option to search and select an existing account record when creating leads in Outlook
- The "Lookup Sugar Address" option now allows users to search and select Sugar contacts and leads as invitees to calls or meetings
- The Sugar category in Outlook syncs to the Sugar record's Tags field on the initial sync from Outlook to Sugar
- Additional time frames (1, 2, 3, and 5 minutes) have been added to the "Automatically sync every" option
- Users can now specify the logging level (e.g. Fatal, Error) to be captured in the log as well as select the log writer type (e.g. File, Windows event log)
- The Outlook plug-in can now connect to Sugar by uploading your own SSL certificate
- Users now have an option to have modules which are hidden in Sugar be displayed in the Outlook plug-in
Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook 2.4.0 also addresses bugs identified in prior releases of the Outlook Plug-in. More information on the new features and enhancements as well as the fixed bugs can be found in the MS Outlook Plug-in Release Notes 2.4.0.
Installation, upgrade, and usage documentation for this release can be found at the following links:
MS Outlook Plug-in User Guide 2.x
MS Outlook Plug-in Installation Guide 2.x
Users on 7.x.x versions of Sugar can either download the plug-in from our Download Manager with an appropriate download key or by going to their user profile in the application and selecting the 'Downloads' tab. Please review the Supported Platforms for the Outlook Plug-in before installing.
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