How can we use relate field or relationship field in case create in Sugar Portal

I want to know can we add relate field or relationship field in sugar portal create case view? 

I have relate field and relationship field. I have used this field on case creation. But if same field I'm trying to add on sugar portal case creation view then those fields are not showing in layout configuration. So i added it from custom\modules\Cases\clients\base\views\record\record.php to custom\modules\Cases\clients\portal\views\record\record.php. But only lables are showing.

Create case view in sugarcrm Case Module : 

2. Create case view in sugar portal Case :


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  • Thank you for sharring your experience with enum-api,  , we appreciate it!

    Definitely any feature inside Customer Portal requires customization but it is easy to explore the SugarCRM framework to incorporate in there some core features like Visibility Strategies, endpoints, subpanels, filters, dashboards etc.

    Recently we incorporate an exciting feature which publish to Customer Portal a set of reports which render under Sidecar framework, giving portal users the hability to modify runtime filters and export as csv/pdf just like regular users do from inside Sugar. Portal users loved it once they are able to follow sla allocation/metrics/kpis without needing to ask backoffice users.

    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada