Cases - WYSIWYG editor


I am the team leader and project runner for moving out from our existing "ticketing" system into SugarCRM - the one aspect of our existing system is that it has a WYSIWYG editor not only for emails to our clients but also internal notes.

I see that Sugar has this editor for emailing clients etc but I do not see any option within the case module (which is what is replacing our ticketing system) that has this.

Please would someone advise if there is an option for cases to have such an editor as the comment log, notes, bugs, documents etc do not have this.

Thank you


  • HI ,

    if you have developers at hand or your Sugar partner, they should be able to change the field type of a text area field to "htmleditable_tinymce" - then you get formatting functionality in these fields.

     This is what we did, at least.

    I have to say though, that ever since we've been having some problems with the size of the field (you have to scroll a lot in the field, it doesn't adjust the size to the amount of text in it) and also the display of the text varies a lot between edit- and view-mode. Also, if you create Cases via email/the Outlook-plugIn a lot, the text will look really crappy. Line breaks are completely gone everything is squished together.

    So we are thinking about rolling back to the standard text area field type, actually. Because, in the end, the formatting functionalities are not as important to the users as a clean display of the text,so that they can read and grasp it in a glance.

    So, my advice would be, if you try that, best try it with the future users practically and let them decide, if this is really what they want ;) 

    Best regards


  • HI ,

    if you have developers at hand or your Sugar partner, they should be able to change the field type of a text area field to "htmleditable_tinymce" - then you get formatting functionality in these fields.

     This is what we did, at least.

    I have to say though, that ever since we've been having some problems with the size of the field (you have to scroll a lot in the field, it doesn't adjust the size to the amount of text in it) and also the display of the text varies a lot between edit- and view-mode. Also, if you create Cases via email/the Outlook-plugIn a lot, the text will look really crappy. Line breaks are completely gone everything is squished together.

    So we are thinking about rolling back to the standard text area field type, actually. Because, in the end, the formatting functionalities are not as important to the users as a clean display of the text,so that they can read and grasp it in a glance.

    So, my advice would be, if you try that, best try it with the future users practically and let them decide, if this is really what they want ;) 

    Best regards


  • Thank you Julia , I did try to add a HTML field using Studio and although it allows to be added, this field is not editable in the Cases screen, I wondered why this option is there if it cannot be used?

    I will contact our Sugar representative once we know how that is. still waiting for Sugar to confirm this yet.