When you create a prospect and the prospect later becomes a customer, is there a way to merge the info from the prospect to the customer, such as contacts.
Thanks, Kevin
When you create a prospect and the prospect later becomes a customer, is there a way to merge the info from the prospect to the customer, such as contacts.
Thanks, Kevin
I just found it in the book.
found it in the book but I cant see the customer account search bar to do the conversion as shown in the manual.
first port of call would be to have the customer zoom out of his webpage - The page size for this is not dynamic, so I have attached 2 screenshots here to show how the view can differ;
first port of call would be to have the customer zoom out of his webpage - The page size for this is not dynamic, so I have attached 2 screenshots here to show how the view can differ;
Hi David,
Sorry for the late reply.
I've attached screenshots in the order that I tried to do this.
I first searched for customer lumenpulse. It returns the prospect and a created customer.
I clicked on the Prospect.
I clicked on edit prospect, and got this.
I think I might not going to the right screen to begin with. Not sure if this makes a diference or not but I am logging in as viewing as someone else.
Hi Kevin,
Looks like you are in the right place!
It also shouldn't matter that you are using the "View As" function to login as someone else.
Could I ask if you could try zooming out a bit further on your browser? What % are you currently viewing it on?
I'm at 100%. zoomed in and out and couldn't see it.
I logged in with my Admin account and was able to do. Not sure what restriction would not allow him to do it. Ill look into it.
Thanks, Kevin