Building Basic Reports - Mobile

Date: Thursday, 21st November 2024
UK Time: 2pm
Duration: 30 minutes
Level: Intermediate

Session overview:

In the third session of the series, we will be focusing on Enquiries, the business intelligence side of the system. During this session we will cover;

• How to access the Enquiries section of the system.
• Explaining the data available to us, and how we obtain this data.
• Using this data to create customized sales reports for both internal and external usage.

Can’t join us for the live learning session? Register anyway and we will send you the recording afterward to watch in your own time.

Series Overview:

Efficiently organizing our days on the road using the mobile app.

Are you primarily on the road? Would you like to utilise sales-i more efficiently on the mobile app? Do you want to prepare better for your meetings externally?

For our Live Learning webinars this month we will be focusing specifically on the mobile app. Looking at several features to allow you to effectively utilise the sales-i app externally, in a way that works best for you.

From organizing your days more efficiently, to creating bespoke sales reports and everything in between. This month’s webinars are perfect for those outside-based reps who don’t get much desk time.

Sessions in the series:

  • November 7th - Efficiently Organizing our days on the road using the mobile app.
  • November 14th - Understanding how to use our record cards effectively pre and post meeting.
  • November 21st - Understanding how we can build basic customer spends to understand our customers buying habits
  • November 28th - Building advanced sales reports so we can see customers falling, and spending trends