Form Submission Confirmation Email

Hi Everyone,

I tried searching for this answer but am only seeing answers relevant to legacy features.

I want to send thank you email to everyone who completes a form in Market. What are my options?

I've experimented with having a dedicated two-step nurture campaign that just sends the thank you email and used a trigger on the form to add everyone who completes the form to that nurture, but its not working for me (or it is at least very slow). I prefer that the email be sent immediately and am surprised there is no obvious solution in Market.

Anyone here find a way to make this happen for their instance?

Thanks so much!


  • Hi John!

    If you drop a user into a Nurture once they complete the form, they should receive the email. However, like you mentioned, there is a 10-15 minute delay when a record gets added to a Nurture before it executes it's action. Our team is working on a solution for that in the future so that users could use this option after form completes.

    However, another approach here is to use our Legacy Trigger Emails where you can send those users that completed a form an email instantly. 

    I hope this helps!


    Michael North

    Sr. Manager, Technical Support

  • Hi,

    I just want to add to this answer that with the new update for the Nurtures it is important to insert a pause of about a minute at the beginning of the Nurture, as I noticed that sometimes the form fields are not yet written to the contact before the mail is sent.

    This is important since the above mentioned 10-15 minute delay in Nurtures was removed by an update.



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