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Report for Number of Downloads of Asset

Is there anyway to determine how many times an asset has been downloaded?

  • Hi John,

    Yes, this is possible by building a redirect link that someone who clicks will pass through and then onto the asset. This feature is part of Legacy Landing Pages. You can read more and learn how to build one here:

    A couple of items to note when creating a redirect:

    • You'll want to hit the create button to manually create a legacy landing page through Manage>Landing Pages>Pages & Forms>Legacy Landing pages. From there you can follow the steps in the article above. You do NOT want to use the legacy landing page wizard as if you were creating a full landing page. 
    • We cannot tell you who clicked the redirect, only that it was clicked by X number of people. You will see this as the number of "completes" in the redirect form reporting (access this the same as Legacy Landing Page reporting)
    • Do not copy/paste the redirect URL. Always get it from the "Testing" tab of the redirect setup as indicated in the instructions above.

    Once you've created your link you will use the redirect link as the link on your webpage, email, etc. that someone will click on. They'll then pass through the redirect and go on to the asset you are directing them to. 

    I hope this helps! 



    Director, Customer Enablement | SugarCRM

  • Thank you . So you can only do this with Legacy Landing Pages? We don't use those, and I'd prefer not rebuilding our pages just for this simple functionality.

    Is there any other way, say using Advanced Analytics?

    The links are to assets in the Asset Library and are used in emails and landing pages.

    I don't really need to know who clicked, I just want to try to learn how many times people have downloaded the asset.

  • Hi John,

    You don't need to rebuild your pages. You just use Legacy Page functionality to create the redirect link that references the URL of the asset that is being downloaded. It is in no way as complex as building a new page. I created a short video that shows you how. The whole process takes about 1-2 minutes. You'll use the URL I show on the "Testing" tab (ie: the URL you just created by building the Redirect form) in the emails/landing pages you referenced above. 



    Director, Customer Enablement | SugarCRM

  • that video was perfect, thank you for taking the time to do that

  • You're welcome! I'm glad it helped! Slight smile

    Director, Customer Enablement | SugarCRM