Dynamic Distribution Lists: Do they also rerun Sugar Sell report?

If I create a report in Sugar Sell, and then create a Dynamic Distribution List based on it, is it refreshing the report in Sugar Sell, or do I have to do that on some regular basis?

  • Hi John,

    Market is not creating any changes to the report in Sugar Sell. Each time the sync runs, we simply pull the results of that report into Sugar Market. So if new records have come onto the report since the last time it was synced those records will then sync to Sugar Market and appear in both reports. The Sell report should be up to date each time you open or Save & Run the report in Sugar Sell. 



    Director, Customer Enablement | SugarCRM

  • Hi John,

    Market is not creating any changes to the report in Sugar Sell. Each time the sync runs, we simply pull the results of that report into Sugar Market. So if new records have come onto the report since the last time it was synced those records will then sync to Sugar Market and appear in both reports. The Sell report should be up to date each time you open or Save & Run the report in Sugar Sell. 



    Director, Customer Enablement | SugarCRM
