How to Add or Update Leads in CRM using Sugar Market

In Sugar Market, there are multiple ways to push new leads and update existing leads in CRM. In this document, we are going to go through each option for pushing lead data to CRM.


  • Data collected from a form can be pushed directly into an external CRM.
  • Questions mapped to CRM fields can push the answers into the designated field in CRM. This mapping setup will then create a new lead or update an existing lead.
  • To enable forms to be able to push data to the external CRM, the ‘Sync with External CRM’ option needs to be set to ‘Yes’ in step 4 (Actions) of the form setup.


  • Nurtures have the ability to update existing records in the external CRM from a step inside the nurture flow.
  • New leads cannot be created directly from a nurture.

Event Listeners

  • Listeners can perform many actions based on a particular value appearing in fields inside Sugar Market. One of these actions is to add a new lead or update an existing lead.
  • Under Event Activities you can add the Actions that will happen when a new or existing record meets the criteria of the listener.
  • The ‘Add Lead to External CRM’ action will allow the Listener to create a new lead in the external CRM.
  • The ‘Push to External CRM’ action will update any existing leads inside the external CRM.
  • Adding both of the above options will allow the Listener to create new leads and update existing records in the external CRM.

Manual Push

  • Inside the Sugar Market CRM you can create new leads, search for leads and update existing leads.
  • Any leads that are created or updated inside Sugar Market CRM will not be automatically synced to the external CRM.
  • To create a new lead or update and existing lead you can click the 3 dots in the top right corner of a lead inside the Sugar Market CRM. Inside the menu drop down there will be 2 options. Push to CRM or Update in CRM. By clicking this button Sugar Market will add the record to the next Push sync cycle. Within 20 minutes the lead will be added or updated within CRM.

Created by James Brown