Target Lists and Sugar Market

See below for additional details on syncing in target lists from CRM, written by our very own James Brown

Sugar Market's integration with SugarCRM/Sugar Sell can pull in Target Lists from CRM into Market ready to use for marketing purposes. For Sugar Market to be able to do this, there are certain items that need to be set up in both Market and CRM.

Inside Sugar Market:

  • Inside the SugarCRM connector screen inside Sugar Market, the PULL Target Lists checkbox needs to be checked. We recommend deleting any unwanted or old Target Lists before doing this as the integration will pull in ALL Target Lists.

Inside SugarCRM:

  • A Target List needs to be created and records need to be added to the list.
  • When the list is created and saved the list will then sync over to Sugar Market in the regular sync cycle. This means the list should be available within 30mins (this time depends on the number of records on the list) of the list being saved in CRM.
  • The list is added to the distribution lists area in Sugar Market and is created as a static list.
  • If new records are added to the target list in CRM they will not be automatically added to the list in Sugar Market. For the list to be updated, the list needs to be saved in CRM which updates the modified date of the list. The list is then re-synced over in the next sync cycle. This is how you ensure the target list is kept up to date in Sugar Market.

Created by James Brown

  • Hi and !

    Sorry to hijack this thread but two question regarding this process:

    1. I see we have to manually re-save the target list in SugarSell if we want it to resync to SugarMarket. This is not very dynamic. Is there plans to make this more automatic? Perhaps it could resync if it detects a change? Ie an updated or removed contact?

    2. If a lead or contacts' data is updated in SugarSell (ie email address) and that lead or contact is part of a target list - will it auto update in SugarMarket with the new email address in the distribution list? Again this is important to keep our lists dynamic. ie if a company updates their corporate domain name we do not want to have old emails on that list.

    Thank you in advance for your help! 


  • Hi Glenn,

    1 - We do have plans in the short term to update how we sync lists from CRM. The new way to build lists will be via the reporting tool in CRM and the lists will be dynamic. I do not know exactly when this update will be made but I imagine it will be in place during the summer.

    2 - I have just run testing on this and the distribution list does not automatically update when the records email address is updated. The record in Market is updated to show the new email address but the email on the list is still showing as the original email address. I will raise this with engineering and add you to the ticket to see if we can get an enhancement put in place.

    There will be several new updates coming to the Market and CRM integration in 2021. The integration is top priority for our product team.



    James Brown

    Professional Services Manager


  • Hi James - thank you for all your help here and clear comments. This is helpful for our planning. As you know integration is one of the main reasons we are working with Sugar Market so great to hear that is a focus area.

    Anything you can do to push forward point 2 and make this process more dynamic is much appreciated.

    What's the best work around for now? 

  • Hi James - thank you for all your help here and clear comments. This is helpful for our planning. As you know integration is one of the main reasons we are working with Sugar Market so great to hear that is a focus area.

    Anything you can do to push forward point 2 and make this process more dynamic is much appreciated.

    What's the best work around for now? 

  • I copied the target list to see if the emails would update on the next sync and this worked.

    If there is an easy fix to auto update the distribution list when emails are updated in SugarCRM then this would be most appreciated and save our team a lot of time!

  • Copying of target list worked for a small list but then failed for a larger list of 2000 contacts / leads so that is not an option either. 

  • hi Glenn,

    you wrote: "I see we have to manually re-save the target list in SugarSell if we want it to resync to SugarMarket. This is not very dynamic. Is there plans to make this more automatic? Perhaps it could resync if it detects a change? Ie an updated or removed contact?"

    The low code tool could be of help to cover the gap by Sugar admins themselves - as we showed in the recent webinar "How to create hooks and get the best of Sugar not being a developer"

    Here is a solution designed in Logic Builder - a logic hook to detect the change of the email of the Lead in Sugar and re-save all the target lists to which the Lead is related - automatically, getting the modified date of the lists updated.

    Consequently, that should trigger resync Sugar target lists to corresponding Market distribution lists - I tried this approach on our Sell to Market integration and it works for dozen of target lists our regular lead belongs to. 

    Here is the realization zip, your SugarCRM Sell admin can install it via Module Loader to get the logic hook to work

    please let me know if any questions

    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka
    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient