postmaster email alerts

Hi All,

I have a customer who is getting a lot of alerts to the postmaster email address they setup.

Is there a setting to reduce the number of alert emails that are sent?

Any information is greatly appreciated.

Kind regards


  • Hi Justin,

    This is expected. The purpose of postmaster@ inboxes is to receive a wide variety of messages regarding your sending. It is essentially the inbox of administrator of your mail server. While Sugar Market sends messages through our mail servers, we are using the domain authorized by the customer, so they will still receive some of these delivery related messages. It is wise to review these for bounce-backs, invalid addresses, and the like to remove them from your sending lists. If someone has been delegated the postmaster address, it may be good to filter these off so they can be reviewed at the user's convenience vs. going directly to their standard inbox. I hope that helps.



    Director, Customer Enablement | SugarCRM

  • Hi Justin,

    This is expected. The purpose of postmaster@ inboxes is to receive a wide variety of messages regarding your sending. It is essentially the inbox of administrator of your mail server. While Sugar Market sends messages through our mail servers, we are using the domain authorized by the customer, so they will still receive some of these delivery related messages. It is wise to review these for bounce-backs, invalid addresses, and the like to remove them from your sending lists. If someone has been delegated the postmaster address, it may be good to filter these off so they can be reviewed at the user's convenience vs. going directly to their standard inbox. I hope that helps.



    Director, Customer Enablement | SugarCRM
