Sugar Market iframe not opening in SugarCRM

Hi All,

Our customer is using Sugar Market and the SugarCRM connector has been installed on their Sugar instance.

However in SugarCRM when viewing a contact or lead, clicking on the Sugar Markt iFrame button does not load the Sugar Market information.

I don't have access to the customer's SugarCRM so aren't able to check the configuration for Sugar Market, but wanted to check what would most likely be the issue here, this will enable me to contact the customers IT department responsible.

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards


  • Hi Justin,

    Is the iFrame completely blank or is there an error message? The iFrame can only display results for records that exist in both CRM & in Market and the CRM user you are logged in as must have access to view those records based on their role permission in Market. If you know that you have permission to view the record and it exists in Market, then you may want to troubleshoot with support. I would also recommend confirming that the sync is running and up to date in Market via the Sync Dashboard. 



    Director, Customer Enablement | SugarCRM