Accounts that are synced from SugarCRM


In a new Sugar Market instance that has had it's first sync from SugarCRM, there has appeared some unusual looking Account records, unusual in the way they don't have correct information in the correct field.

On investigating these Account records in SugarCRM we have found that they are in fact not Account records, but are Contact records that have information in the Account field for an account that does not exist.

Hopefully I've explained that correctly, this information is 2nd hand from my client, I haven't confirmed this information.

My question is - How could a Contact record end up getting sync'd to the Accounts table in Sugar Market?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards


  • Justin,

    Without seeing some specific examples, my first thought is that if a contact is not related to an account, or, if accounts are not configured to pull down from the CRM, then the contacts will be added to the default "No Company" account record.

    There are some fields that we hard map to account fields upon sync. You can find the mapping information here

    If this doesn't help explain why contacts are being related to accounts that do not exist, then I suggest submitting a ticket to support directly providing an example contact/account record from the CRM that is not syncing as expected to Sugar Market.

    Kind Regards,

    Lori F