Hello, does anyone know why Sugar Maps is purposely not available for Enterprise onsite, is there a 'technical reason'?
Thanks in advance,
Hello, does anyone know why Sugar Maps is purposely not available for Enterprise onsite, is there a 'technical reason'?
Thanks in advance,
That is indeed odd to only exclude this useful feature Enterprise.
I can't help with the reason why, but I do know of an alternative on the Sugar Marketplace;
RT SalesMap
Hope that helps,
CRM Business Consultant
Hi Tony Romano , it is actually included with Enterprise+, so it is possible to get it for Enterprise on-site and there is no technical limitation. However, you do have to purchase the Enterprise+ license.
Hope that clarifies it.
I'm not 100% clear, can you clarify please?
You mention it is possible to get it for Enterprise on-site
but also have to purchase the Enterprise+ license
these 2 seem to contradict each other, or is it just me?
Sorry, I maybe didn't say it in the most straightforward way. I meant that on-site customers can get Sugar Maps, but they need to have the "Enterprise+" license, not just "Enterprise". The Enterprise+ license has everything in Enterprise but with extras included, one of which is Sugar Maps. This is similar to how Sugar Maps is not included in the Sell Advanced license but is included in the Sell Premier license.
Let me know if that makes sense.
Hi Brenda,
Not really your fault.
I now realise my main confusion was that I hadn't realised Enterprise+ was available on-site
Still a shame Sugar Maps can't be purchased separately.
due to the 60% price hike between Enterprise and Enterprise+