Outgoing Email Accounts - Changing "Reply-to Email" and "Reply-to Name" not possible

Good evening,

as stated in the documentation, sugar is creating a default email account for each user. 

I want to change the "Reply-to Email" and the "Reply-to Name" to a generic email address, like info@.... so that customers' replies are not going to the personal email address of the CRM user.

Apparently, it is not possible to change these values. One solution could be to create addional email accounts for each user. The downside is, that the user is able to choose both email accounts in the from field. I assume that would be very confusing.

My goal is to have one email account for each user. Each user can only use this account for sending emails from sugar and for each user I want to use the same generic "Reply-to Name and Email".

Would be happy to hear your thoughts


  • Hi  ,

    If you want to have everyone's from address default to 'info@yourcompany.com' you can do so via the following steps:

    1. If you haven't already done so, you will first need to create an outbound account for your group email address. Go to Emails > Email Settings > Create and authorize the appropriate account. You will want to assign this account to a team (e.g. Global) that all desired users have access to view records.
    2. Each user will need to go to Emails > Email Settings and click the star next to the mailbox you created to mark it as a favorite. As long as it is the only favorite, it will be the default from address on emails they compose within Sugar.

    If you want users to only to be able to send from that email (i.e. prevent sending from their personal email address), or you don't want to depend on users flagging the outbound mailbox as a favorite, it will require custom code to implement. 
