Stop modified date of one module from affecting another modules field

Hi All,

I am trying to set an Opportunity field (Actual Close Date) but I am running into a few problems. To start, I have a calculated formula that will manipulate the field once the Sales Stage is changed to lost or won. However anytime the account related to the opportunity is modified the opportunity actual close date then changes to the date modified. I created a BPM to stop that from occurring but now the field (Actual Close Date) can be modified whenever. Ideally we would want the field to become read only once the sales stage is modified, so users can't manipulate it. Additionally I am already using roles to stop all other users from manipulating the Date. 

Is there a way to two fields where one is not available for mass update so that it can work in the BPM and have the other field be display only?

  • HI  , 

    If I understand your request correctly, the goal is to:

    1. Set the custom field Actual Close Date to the time when the Sales Stage is changed to either “Closed Lost” or “Closed Won.”

    2. Make the Actual Close Date field read-only, ensuring it cannot be edited after being set.

    A possible solution would be to use a BPM and a Dependency Action. 

    To write the value on Actual close date I would use a Process Definition with the following approach, creating a helper field "lock_actual_close_date_c" for the read only requirement.


    Next, I would use the lock_actual_close_date_c checkbox field to make the Actual Close Date field read-only by applying a Dependency, similar to the example provided in the SugarCRM documentation:

    This needs to be done via dependency as date fields currently don't allow for a "read only if" condition via Studio. 
    You can either remove the lock_actual_close_date_c from the record view or lock it via roles to non-admin users. 


    This would be the result: 

    I understand that your requirements or configurations might differ slightly.

    Please let me know if this approach would work for you or if I have missed any specific requirements.

    I’m happy to adjust the solution as needed.

