Calculate a field based on a date and another field


I want to calculate a field as a function of several other fields:

The field I want to calculate is called utilisation_c. It is a simple choice list field with the option ‘YES’ ‘NO’ ‘NA’.

it will depend on a date field: reception_c  and an other field : type_c 

When the date filled in in reception_c is before 01/10/2024 I want the field to display ‘NA’.
When the type_c field is filled with ‘11’ I want the field to display YES

If none of these conditions are met, I want the field to be filled in manually using the drop-down list.

Is this feasible?
Could you help me find the formula?

Thank you very much for your help

  • Hello  ,

    Let’s break your question down into specific requirements 

    1. Requirement 1: When the date in the reception_c field is before 01/10/2024, the field should display 'NA'.

    2. Requirement 2: When the type_c field is set to '11', the field should display 'YES'.

    3. Requirement 3: If neither of these conditions are met, you would like the field to remain editable so users can manually select an option from the dropdown. (Any of the three).

    Addressing Requirement 3

    Requirement 3 is a bit challenging because if you set the field to be calculated in Studio, it will become read-only for users.

    This prevents them from manually selecting a value from the dropdown, which does not align with your needs.

    If you want to retain manual editing, instead of using a calculated field in Studio, you could leverage a SetValue formula via the Dependency Actions framework.
    The key difference here is that dependencies need to be uploaded to your Sugar instance as part of a Module Loadable Package (MLP).

    Proposed Solution

    Below is a SetValue dependency code that I tested, and it seems to meet all three requirements.
    Additionally, you could add a SetReadOnly condition if you want to lock the field when either Requirement 1 or 2 is met.

    Here’s the code I used for testing, mind that utilisation_c is a dropdown filed with the 3 options.
    I added the code on the Accounts module, and it's not possible to add a field named type (it's a reserved name), that's why my field name is type_c_c. 

    //path custom/Extension/modules/Accounts/Ext/Dependencies/utilisation_c_dependency.php
    $dependencies['Accounts']['utilisation_c_dependency'] = array(
        'hooks' => array('edit', 'view'), // Trigger for both edit and detail view
        'trigger' => 'true', // Always evaluate
        'triggerFields' => array('reception_c', 'type_c_c'), // Fields to watch
        'onload' => true, // Apply on page load
        'actions' => array(
                'name' => 'SetValue',
                'params' => array(
                    'target' => 'utilisation_c', // Target field
                    'value' => 'ifElse(isBefore($reception_c, date("2024-10-01")),"NA",ifElse(equal($type_c_c, "11"),"YES",$utilisation_c))'

    This is a video of how it will look like:

    Please have a look and let me know if this is a good starting point to address your requirement: 

