I have tried so many options - i did manage to get the formula to work initially when it was less complicated but have added in an additional section and cant figure out where i have gone wrong - if anyone could help that would be amazing!
The formula should read:
if Planning Required is Yes AND 35% received is 0, then add 30 days to the Approved Date,
if not and Planning Required is No AND 35% received is 0, the put the 10% received date,otherwise put "0"
ifElse( and( equal($pr_planning_required_c,"Yes"),equal($thirtyfive_payment_received_c,0) ), addDays( $pr_approved_date_c,30), IfElse( and( equal($pr_planning_required_c,"No"),equal($thirtyfive_payment_received_c,0) ), $pr_10_percentage_payment_date_c), ) "0", )
thank you so much in advance for anyone that is able to help!