Report Meeting / Quotes


Would anyone happen to know if it is possible to run a report based on meetings that are related to quotes and have it provide a breakdown of the quote line items and descriptions? 

Meeting Start: Tomorrow

Meeting: Start
Meeting: Subject
Meeting: Location
Quote: Number
Quote: Subject
(All of the above works)
Quote: Products
Quote: Quoted Line Item
Quote: Quoted Line Item Descriptions

Thanks in advance! 

  • The Meetings/Quotes relationship could be tenuous because it relies on the Flexfield on Meetings to be "Quotes" to link to the actual quote.

    But if you have a policy that the Meetings are related to the Quote (and not the Account or Contact) you can start from the Meetings module and filter by date, then look at the related Quotes and down to Quoted Line Items under that...

    (I'm not using QLI's so I can't build a full example).
