Finding and Updating Sugar Automate Smart Guide Activity Templates


I recently ran into a scenario where multiple tasks in a system were automatically assigned to an inactive user. At first, I wasn't sure where these tasks were coming from.

If you've ever had Tasks that are being automatically created in a way that no longer serves your business need, and you aren't sure where those tasks are coming from, I want to show you how you can easily identify if the tasks are the result of Sugar Automate and navigate quickly to the Smart Guide Activity Template configured to make those Tasks so you can fix the issue at its source. 

Sugar Automate Fields in Studio

Unless you want to, I don't see a huge benefit for leaving all the Sugar Automate fields in the Tasks RecordView layout all the time. However, when you need them, temporarily adding those fields to the layout can be a huge help.

This is an occasion when that's true.

  1. Navigate to Admin > Studio > Tasks > Layouts > RecordView.
  2. Drag a New Row onto the Task RecordView layout.
  3. Drag 'Smart Guide Activity Template' onto the layout.
  4. Save and deploy these changes.

Warning: In larger systems, a save in Studio can cause a performance impact during normal working hours. I recommend making Studio changes during times when the instance is not in heavy use.

Navigating to the Source of the Task

After deploying 'Smart Guide Activity Template' to the Tasks RecordView in Studio, open or refresh the task record to see the new field and its content. Any task made by Sugar Automate will have a value in this field, and the value will be linked to the activity template where it is configured.

 Click the link to open the activity template, where you can find and edit the configuration of how each task made by this template will begin.


 In my example, the Target Assignee User was configured with the name of the now inactive user. Once I changed that to 'inherit' (which was 'Current User' in the Stage), the Tasks started assigning as needed, and the issue was easily resolved.

Because I was able to identify and update the Smart Guide Activity Template in a matter of minutes, I returned to Studio and removed the new field from the Tasks RecordView right away, so users were able to come in the next day and never experience a difference in the Tasks RecordView.

This same approach works for all Smart Guide activities, including Tasks, Calls, and Meetings.

I hope this is helpful!