SugarCRM Monitoring Tools


Lately, our SugarCRM is very slow to queries. Especially, we find that the Frontend is unresponsive for more than 10 seconds in some specific pages. The server is responding with data within milliseconds, however to display this in Frontend takes very long (between 8-15 seconds). 

Is there a possibility to monitor this somehow in Sugar? Any external plugin that can help me here? 

  • Hi  , 

    Using a profiling tool like XHProof (Free) or NewRelic (Paid) would normally help you out finding out what's happening on that specific action. 

    I would recommend you to have a look at the following Office hours where Performance Profiling was covered: 

    Performance Profiling to Identify Bottlenecks - Office Hours Recap!

    But I would definitely would like to help you out troubleshooting if you share the following details: 

    Can you identify the exact action that you perceive as Slow? What is it?
    Can you repeat it consistently? 
    Is it a create, edit or fetching data (record view, list view) ? 
    Are all users affected? (admins and non-admins?)
    What do you see on the Developer Console when that action is performed? 

    Did you try logging slow queries in Sugar when that action is performed? 
    *Set slow query threshold to 2-4s and find your slow queries in the logs

    With this info we can try to help you understanding what's causing the performance degradation. 
    Looking forward to hearing from you. 

