Formula field not populating on record creation

Hi All, 

  I have a custom field on my call and meeting module to count if the call or meeting is completed and is in this quarter. The formula is working when I am reviewing records and saving them. However, I am seeing that when my end users create new records that meet the criteria, the field is not populating on creation. I still have to go in and open the record, edit and save it for the logic to kick in. Now I know sugar doesn't just run updates inherently but shouldn't this work when new records are created? Is there a setting I am missing in the field that is causing this? Any insight would be greatly appreciated! 

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Chris,

      here is the formula I am using. I know in a perfect world i could use your upsert model (we are discussing getting this still internally), but I would like to understand the root of the issue. If I create a new call record then the formula works on save. However I am noticing for my end users, that is not always the case, its capturing maybe half the time but if you go back and edit/save then the formula populates.
