Audit on User Usage

My manager wanted a report to be added to a dashboard  - Audit of Users using the CRM often. Is that possible, or something similar

  •  ,

    Your only option with native Sugar features is to build reports based on the Tracker module. There are some template reports on the Trackers module that you can duplicate to get started. With that said, reporting on the Trackers module can be misleading. Each action a user performs in the browser is tracked towards their total count no matter how close it is to the same actions they just performed on the record. The following sequence would produce a total of 4 actions in the same module in a tracker report:

    1. View a contact
    2. Save an inline field edit on the contact
    3. Save another inline field edit on the contact
    4. Navigate away from the contact to see a related record and go back to the contact

    Additionally, when using things like Sugar Connect where a contact record is loaded automatically based on a matching email address, you may get inflated numbers thinking users are leveraging the CRM system more than others. 

    We have a plugin, Upsert User Adoption, to give you a clear overview of how active users are in the system. We ensure repeat actions on the same record are not double-counted when performed in a short timeframe. We also give you the ability to configure which Sugar products and which actions (e.g. read, edit, delete, etc. for which you want to monitor usage. We also provide you with a suite of reports to identify usage patterns by department and users so you can gauge the success of your CRM investment and adoption initiatives.

    Please contact us if you would like a demo of the plugin!


  • Hi  

    would the Upsert User Adoption add on be such that it allows views in specific hierarchies? 

    In other words, does it follow the Reports-To line in the users module so one can see one's own activity and managers can see their people, and directors a higher level than managers etc.?

    Do you have examples where this plugin may be used to analyze user activity for the purposes of informing performance evaluations for Sales (per person drill down stats on leads, quotes, opportunities) and Customer Support (per person drill down stats on Cases)?



  • Hi  ,

    Our plugin makes use of the 'Reports To' hierarchy to give managers the ability to see how their team is performing. One of the dashlets included with the plugin is designed specifically for this purpose. 

    With regards to looking at performance, we track actions performed per module per user per day where and you configure the modules and actions you want to track. If I'm understanding your ask correctly, I think those metrics would allow you to view and measure the specific performance metrics desired. 


  • I will talk to our head of Sales about this and contact you for a demo if they are interested.