Best way to automate creation of renewal opportunity and associated quote?

Hello all - new to Sugar automation. 

We have a manual opportunity renewal process that we have been following for a number of years.  Essentially, we go to the previous Closed Won opportunity and copy it, manually edit all of the necessary fields, and re-create the associated quote from scratch.  This process typically takes a few minutes per opportunity x's hundreds of opportunities each month.  Looking for a way to partially automate this process.  I reviewed the Renewals/Sales Console, and unfortunately, I don't think it will meet our needs.

I have been experimenting with Action Buttons and SugarBPM.  I created an Action Button on our Opportunities layout that successfully creates a new opportunity based on the previous Closed Won opportunity and automatically updates all of the necessary fields; however, I couldn't find a way to also copy over the associated quote from the previous Closed Won opportunity - at least not using an Action Button or triggering a SugarBPM process.  I then pivoted to creating another Action Button on the Quotes module (resulting in a 2-step process), so that our users could first go to the previous Closed Won opportunity, click the new Renew Opp Action Button to create the new renewal opportunity, then go back into the quote from the previous Closed Won opportunity and click the Renew Quote Action button to create the new renewal quote, but I hit a wall when trying to associated the newly created renewal quote with the newly created renewal opportunity.  I tried setting the Opportunity Name field in the Quotes module accordingly, but this did not work, presumably because this is a Relationship field.

Any recommendations on how best to proceed?
