Sugar BPM: Sendings email to leads with certain status

Hi there,

We want to implement the following simple BPM flow. When a lead has a certain status value (verified), an email should be sent to that specific lead.

Is it guaranteed that if "Lead" is selected in the settings for the Send Email action only this specific lead will receive the email? 

Thank you in advance for your help!


  • Hi Steffen -

    I think your logic is sound. The email address you've selected in your screenshot corresponds to the email1 field which would be the primary email address for the Lead record. The process being triggered for a specific lead that meets your criteria, we should see only that lead receiving the email. It's always a good idea to test, but I believe you are on the right track here.


  • Hi   - Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything in the documentation about whether the recipients are actually filtered with the condition from the start event. I would test it, but if they are not, the email will be sent to thousands of recipients. I'll have to see how to prevent this. 

    Best regards,

  •  ,

    I think there may be some confusion on how SugarBPM processes are initiated and evaluated. 

    SugarBPM process definitions can only be triggered for evaluation based on a save events in the target module. This means that once you enable the process definition, it only works on records saved after that point. With each record saved (even in the scenario of a mass update), a corresponding process will be triggered for each saved record meeting the start event criteria. The email action in your process definition would only be applicable to the specific record being evaluated within that process so there is no concern that it would somehow send an email to a larger set of records in your database.


  •  ,

    I think there may be some confusion on how SugarBPM processes are initiated and evaluated. 

    SugarBPM process definitions can only be triggered for evaluation based on a save events in the target module. This means that once you enable the process definition, it only works on records saved after that point. With each record saved (even in the scenario of a mass update), a corresponding process will be triggered for each saved record meeting the start event criteria. The email action in your process definition would only be applicable to the specific record being evaluated within that process so there is no concern that it would somehow send an email to a larger set of records in your database.

