Process Definition


So I am not a developer but I am learning SQL and SugarBPM for work. I was trying to create a process definition as per this article Capturing the Sales Stage When an Opportunity Closes - Sugar Support (

and as per this, I created the Process definition. This says, every time I create or update an opportunity going forward, it should update the field 'Last Stage'

But for some reason, nothing is happening. Can someone help me with this

  • Hi  ,

    There are a couple things you should check initially assuming you built the definition as the KB article describes:

    1. Check that the process is set to a status of 'Enabled'. As the article notes, new processes are set to a status of 'Disabled' so you may need to go back and change the status to ensure it runs.
    2. If the process is enabled, edit an existing an open opportunity and then go to Admin > Process Management to see if the process triggered on that record (it should be at or near the top of the list).
      1. If you don't see any entry for that process and record, double check your start event configuration.
      2. If you do see the process triggered:
        1. Confirm that the process completed. If it didn't complete, there is likely an issue with your gateway configuration and the process is hanging since it doesn't know which route to choose.
        2. Preview the process flow (eyeball icon at the far right) to see if it took the expected path based on the sales stage associated with the opportunity. If it didn't take the expected path, double check the gateway configuration for that particular sales stage.

    With that said, I do not consider the KB article to be best practice for this specific use case. I recommend the following changes:

    • It's inefficient for this process to run on every opportunity update. In the start event, you can add criteria to only trigger when the sales stage changes and is not equal to 'Closed Won' or 'Closed Lost'.
    • I would configure the 'last_stage_c' field as a dropdown and use the same sales stage dropdown list for that field. It means that label updates you make to the dropdown list will stay consistent between the two fields. You would still need add an additional route if you add another sales stage in the future, but at least the sales stage names will mirror each other between the two fields. (Side Note: We have a plugin, Upsert BPM Essentials, which allows you to dynamically copy a dropdown value from one field to another to avoid these types of maintenance headaches.) Using a dropdown list for this field also gives a better user experience when reporting or searching on the field since you pick and choose which stages you want to filter in a much easier fashion. 


  • every time I create or update an opportunity going forward, it should update the field 'Last Stage

    So your BPM is running on every change instead of when the opportunity's Sales Stage field changes to "Closed Won" or "Closed Lost"?



    CRM Business Consultant